What a month!
I was in the process of a post but had to save it and if I go back to it, it will be WAY too long!! So here is the condensed version.
Abby's Birthday!! It was fun, she got sick, but still had a good time.
Spring Break! We got to go to Lafayette for a few days and I thought Abby was over her sickness, little did I know, it was just beginning. I was dead sick all break and Abby was in recovery. So, we spent spring break at home, but still had a nice break.
School-is killing me! This is actually the reason I haven't been able to update. It seems like all my professors decided to save all our projects till the last three weeks of school!! I have got my two biggest speeches (worth the most points), ethics paper, ethics test and ethics group presentation, two accounting tests, and two computer tests all in the next two weeks!! I mean-come on!! It is extra hard because my Mom is in Seattle visiting the BABY!! Thats right!!
Baby Brooklynn is here!
Brooklynn Jade Tuckett
April 1, 2009 @ 1:52pm
7lbs 11oz
18 1/2 inches
Mom and baby are doing wonderfully!! The induced Rachel on April fools day @ 5am and shortly after, she was here!! She is so beautiful! I'll post pictures!
So, my Mom left this morning and will be gone till the 27th. Almost three weeks! I'm so glad shes out there, but she is greatly missed at home! (and its only the first day) My Dad flies out on the 16th till the 27th. It is just craziness-trying to get everything taken care of for Abby and school and life! But I did go to the temple before she left (I was really stressing about it!!) and I know everything will be just fine.
Well, Abby's asleep, so I need to get studying!
Hopefully I'll have a post after the 27th, that means I survived it all!
(Side note-I also get to spend Easter alone. Abby will be at her Dad's, Mom's in Seattle and Dad's on high council.) :(
Slow Start
1 week ago
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