So, I believe where I left off was when Abby was sick the FIRST time. (side note, my mom is doing just fine if not better!!!)
The next week after my Mom in the hospital and Abby in the ER, started good. The weekend before Abby was feeling better and everything seemed fine. Then on Tuesday night she started with a small fever again. All I could give her was Tylenol because she was going in for her surgery (tonsils removed) that Friday. But, by Wednesday it was back up in the 103-104's and she started throwing up again. I called the doctor right away and we went in Wednesday morning to see the nurse practitioner. On the way Abby had thrown up 4 times in that hour. Right before we left, in the car, in the waiting room then in the back room. I think it was an intern doctor or something that came in first to see her. Then she went and got the nurse practitioner and she checked her out then she said she thought that her actual doctor saw her. So, her doctor (who I love!) came in and checked her out and said that she felt she needed to go ahead and go to the hospital and get some liquids and find out what was going on. So, after throwing up another time in the parking lot, we were on our way to the hospital.
Once we got there we had to go and get checked in. All this time Abby was wearing a mask and the lady at registration asked if I would wear a mask so I did and our escort up to our room had a mask. We were walking through the hospital and everyone was looking at Abby and she got so many "ohhh, poor thing" she looked awful! She was pale as a ghost and had huge black circles under her eyes. It was so sad. We get up to our room and she was in isolation since they still didn't know what she had. There was a table right outside her door with gloves, masks, and gowns with two signs saying it was isolation and to beware! The nurses came in wearing all the gear and tried to get her set up but the masks keep fogging up so the said to just forget it! It was sweet. They had to do some blood work and get her IV set up. No fun. She was so strong! Such a trooper! I think I cried more than she did!! I hated seeing her in pain. She was so dehydrated the nurses had a hard time finding a vein in her hand, they said she was so dry they couldn't find anything so they finally had to do it in her arm. We got her changed and all the tests done and were just able to rest for a few minutes then the x-ray lady came in and wanted an x-ray of her chest to make sure it was clear. After that we were mostly able to rest. They gave her something for her tummy and her fever and we just waited. Wednesday was horrible! She didn't go to bed till midnight and once she would fall asleep her IV machine would start beeping! Loudly!! That would wake her up and it was hard for her to fall back asleep. I finally got her to sleep around four then the lab people came in at six! After they left she fell back to sleep around seven but her doctor came in to check on her at 7:30! Needless to say, there was not much sleeping that night. We were hoping to be able to go home on Thursday, but we weren't that lucky! We were there till Friday. Once she was on her third bag of fluids she was feeling much better! LONG story short, we were able to go home Friday and boy was it nice to go home. We still aren't sure what it was that she had. The first day she was there her white blood count was 34,000 (normal is between 6,000-9,000) then on Thursday it was down to 20,000 then on Friday it was 10,000 (close enough for us to come home).
I did take some pictures but these are when she was feeling better. On Friday morning when they came to do work they just did a finger prick so that's what the finger is (shes not flippin you off)
Overall, it was a long 3 days! Life didn't stop while she was there (that's the next post)! She is doing fine now. She is scheduled to have her tonsils out this Friday December 4th!! I am ready for that!! I'm ready for no more sickness!!

(in most of them she is watching T.V., that's all there was to do. They had over 300 kid's movies!! It was SO cool! She just picked the one she wanted and told them the number!!)
(Thursday night I had her take a shower, I thought it would help her feel better, that's why her hair is wet) (she had her own room with a really nice bathroom!)
I will talk more about my experience in the next post.

We tried to get her to name her IV, but I don't think she ever did.
She is back to her normal, happy self now!!!