Abby had her surgery last Friday (the 4th) and was recovering. My parents flew out Sunday morning for their trip to California.
(I am tired beyond belief so this will be short)
Day 1: Monday, Abby was still recovering and was beginning to have a lot of pain. She wasn't eating or drinking. Eventually...she became dehydrated. I had a final Monday night so after that I came home and we ended up going to the ER. (she started throwing up earlier in the day and had a few times). She got and IV and got liquids then we came home around midnight.
Day 2: Tuesday, luckly I didn't have any finals that day. We just spent it at home trying to recover and get Abby to eat and drink. I was also studying and writing a few papers for school due Wednesday. Abby had her follow up appointment and he said all was healing well.
Day 3: Wednesday, with all that was happening with Abby I felt bad sending her to a babysitter so her Dad came and stayed with her while I finished my finals. I left about 12:30 and was done by 4. Done with School!!!!! WoooHooo!! I think we stayed home to celebrate.
Day 4: Thursday, things were getting better. She was eating and drinking better.
Day 5: Friday. We were becoming stir crazy and wanted to get out of the house. We ran a few errands then went and saw The Frog Princess, which we LOVED, then went to dinner.
Since Wednesday Abby's ears have also been hurting (normal because the nerves are connected to throat) so she has been having to have her pain medicine every four hours or her ears and throat get bad.
Friday night around midnight it was time for her pain dose so I was getting it ready and heard her up, so I figured the pain woke her up and she was coming to get me. I begin to walk up the stairs and hear her throw up and I was not happy about that. I did not want her to get dehydrated again. I felt so bad. I turn the stairs and see Kaydee (our puppy) licking blood off the carpet and I walk into my room and see Abby knelt over the garbage with BLOOD everywhere!!! It was bright red and there was so much!! And it kept coming. She was vomiting blood! I FREAKED OUT!!!!! I ran to her and helped her finish then jumped in the car and spead to the ER. We walked right in and she went right back. She had blood all over her chin and her neck and her pj's. Long story short, we got admitted and were there till last night. They are thinking it was a scab (a big one) that came off. so. much. blood. It was one of the scariest moments of my life. While we were in the ER she fell back asleep and I sat there, Georgia Dalby and Morgan came and sat with me. My parents were gone. Scariest moment ever. She had blood everywhere! Oh my. Finally we went up to her room around 4am and got to sleep till about 7am when they came for blood work. The doctor came around 8am and said that there was no fresh blood but wanted to keep her to make sure she would eat and drink. We got to come home around 6:30 pm Saturday.
What a week. Finals. 2 ER visits and a hospital stay. All by ourselves.
I'm tired and glad I'm done with school. Abby has been out of school for I'm not sure how long. This has been on and off since mid October. I'm ready for her to feel better.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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